Retirement psychology


Most of the Arab literature linked the issue of retirement to the category of the elderly or old age, and treats the retirement crisis as being linked to the problems of old age. In fact, retirement often takes place before old age, and most of the time it takes place at the age of sixty, which is not the age of old age according to the medical classification of old age.


Likewise, Arabic literature deals with the issue of retirement and old age as a stage of decline and end of capabilities and giving, and that it is the final round in life, although it may extend to twenty years with knowledge, and this concept is old and contradicts the fact that many people have They retire early for various reasons.

Transitions in life are usually accompanied by a range of emotions and retirement is a big change. Over the years, it has become clear that retirees do not adjust all at once, but rather that retirement occurs through psychological or emotional stages.

Here are the five most common emotional/psychological stages that an individual may encounter upon retirement:

First: Retirement planning stage:

You begin to evaluate the best date for retirement, and review your options in terms of where you want to live after retirement, and the amount of money you need to save. It is important at this stage to take time to prepare yourself emotionally as well. Retirement is a big change, and you don’t want to make it until you are sure you are ready for it. Set some goals and expectations for your retirement so you know you’re on the right track. By taking your feelings into consideration and seeking to understand them, you will be able to move more easily to the next stage.

Second: The stage of enthusiasm:

The closer your retirement date is, the more excited you will feel. When was the last time you didn’t have to go to work? When can you do something just because you want to do it without worrying about other responsibilities? With retirement approaching, it is also normal to feel some feelings of uncertainty at this point. You may wonder who you are outside of the actions and responsibilities that previously defined you. After retirement, you can be whoever you want to be. The possibilities are endless and can be exciting or stressful for people who are awaiting the start of retirement. You’ve been planning the logistics and details of retirement for years and now is the time to enjoy and reap the rewards of your past efforts.

Third: The honeymoon stage:

The “honeymoon phase” is common to many transitions in life, not just retirement. Early in your retirement, you will likely miss out on all the opportunities available to you. You can learn a new hobby, visit your family, or travel to places you’ve never been. At this point, you can take a break and enjoy your retirement years. Unfortunately, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last forever. After a year or so, you may want to define deeper desires, so don’t be surprised when the next phase of retirement creeps up on you.

Fourth: The stage of disappointment:

At this point in retirement, you may start to think that retirement is not as fun as you had expected. There are plenty of hobbies to learn and places to visit before boredom sets in again. This general feeling of frustration can sometimes be accompanied by more serious feelings, such as feelings of depression or loss of meaning.

At this point, it is important to ask for help if you need it. Talk to your family and friends about your feelings, and ask them to help you find ways to create a sense of purpose again. This may be a good time to invest in something that gives you a sense of meaning, importance, or social connection such as volunteering for a local organization, considering continuing education opportunities, or even planting a garden.

Fifth: The stage of reorientation and stability:

This is the last stage of retirement emotions, and it ties all the previous stages together. You can go back to your original retirement plan and assess your goals and hopes for retirement. With the honeymoon phase out of the way and a reality check, you can begin to really embrace this part of your life, balancing your pleasurable experiences with your deeper meaningful ones.

What are you still hoping to achieve? How will you get there? As you reorient yourself in this transition and plan on more solid foundations, you can see the big picture better than you could before. In your golden years, you will feel more settled and accepting of this new phase of life.

As you prepare for retirement, knowing what’s coming can be rewarding, but it can also be a little intimidating. Sure, you might be excited about the honeymoon phase, but what about the phases that come after?

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