العملاء الاعزاء، نود التنبيه بأننا لا نستطيع الرد على اتصالاتكم خارج أوقات الدوام الرسمي خلال شهر رمضان المبارك ( يومياً من الساعة 8م الى 1ص ماعدا الجمعة العطلة الأسبوعية)

في حال وجود حالة طارئة يرجى الاتصال بأقرب مستشفى لديك أو بالرقم ٩٣٧ للمساعدة

Dear customers, we would like to inform you that we cannot respond to your calls outside the official working hours (daily from 12 pm to 9 pm, except Friday, the weekend ).

In the event of an emergency, please call your nearest hospital or 937 for assistance

Renewal and Reward Center is the premier mental health care center in Saudi Arabia

Renewal &
Reward Medical Center

Let's talk

The most searched programs

What do you expect during your visit to us?

Best international practices

Our way of working relies on the best international practices that can save time and provide appropriate treatment.

Professional team

Qualified psychiatrists and highly qualified mental health specialists.

respect the time

Time is very valuable to us and our clients and that is why we do not double book appointments

Renewal and Reward Medical Center

About us

Renewal and Reward Medical Center (RRC) was established in 2017 by Dr. Haifa Mohammed Alqahtani, MD, FRCP. ​Dr. Haifa’s vision for the Center is to be the most recognized regional Center in providing Mental Health care services for Clients and practitioners. Through hard work and dedication, the Center has gained an unparalleled reputation among clients, medical staff, therapists, and Academic institutions. This reputation is a result of a continuous focus on quality improvement and unlimited belief in client’s rights to have access to high-quality care.


Years of experience







Training and Educational Services

Renewal and Reward Medical Center (RRC) provides educational services for both clients and practitioners. Our courses are reviewed and approved by our Medical Director and founder DR. Haifa Algahtani, MD We offer 3 types of courses: Live Courses Recorded Course Assisted Courses

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Medication & Therapy Services.

People often fear taking medications prescribed by a psychiatrist due to misconceptions that they may cause brain damage or pose a risk of addiction. Since mental health disorders have a biological basis, there are some cases where taking medication is necessary to control symptoms and result in noticeable improvement.

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Community Services

The management and team of the Renewal and Reward Center (RRC) strongly believe in the importance of social responsibility. We take pride in our awareness programs designed to educate the public and raise their awareness about mental health issues.

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Evaluation by a Psychiatrist

It is the process in which the psychiatrist (The specialized doctor) meets with the client (child, adult, couple) to gather information in an attempt to understand the roots of the problem and reach the correct diagnosis, request necessary tests, and examine and formulate an appropriate treatment plan.

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Combined Child Evaluation

Psychiatrists and Psychologists will interview the child and concerned family members to understand the problem, reach a diagnosis, and formulate a proper treatment plan. For some clients, this option will save time, effort and cost.

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Diagnostic Services

We fully understand the negative impact that a psychological problem can have on an individual's life and hinder their progress. It may take years to seek help, either out of fear of stigma or concern about not finding a specialist who understands their suffering and seeks to alleviate it.

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Renewal and Reward Medical Center

Most professional Programs

برنامج العلاج في مجموعات

برنامج تعديل السلوك للأطفال والمراهقين

برنامج علاج الرهاب الاجتماعي

Dr. Haifa Al-Qahtani obtained her Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery from the College of Medicine at King Saud University in 1993. She joined the Arab Board program for training in internal medicine. After several years, she applied for a scholarship program offered by Saudi Aramco and was selected to study psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. In 2005, Dr. Haifa became the first Saudi female specialist in psychiatry through the Aramco Physicians Development Program. Dr. Haifa Al-Qahtani is a consultant in adult psychiatry, a certified trainer, researcher, licensed author, and specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

Dr. Haifaa Al-Qahtani is a Consultant Adult Psychiatrist, Certified Trainer, Researcher and Licensed Author specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Renewal and Reward Center
